This resonates so much with me. I struggle with having lots of ideas and bursts of creative energy but also (hidden) chronic pain, frequent illness, and a passel of kids to homeschool and care for. It's like my mind and my body are at odds. This year I've come to the realization that this is something I should accept rather than fight. Yes, I'm quirky, I'm up and down, and I fluctuate between needing a season of cocooning and a season of activity. You know what? It's okay. God is good.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Annelise Roberts

I love reading everything you write! I too live inside my head and often find myself so far up or out in daydreams or creative endeavors that never become anything when I could be cleaning, laundrying, etc

Also currently learning how to rewire my brain to get out of constant fight or flight and support how it actually works.

Thank you for continuing to write and put it out in the world ❤️

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Annelise Roberts

I get this as always, and connect with you and your compulsive need to write, to express, to be an external processor, as you mentioned in another post. Yes! I love the part of being a better housekeeper if I didn’t have to write.. but writing is aliveness. I love to create essays in the shower! Blessings and grace upon grace to you.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Annelise Roberts

The research you highlight here is so interesting -- I resonate with feeling like my alarm system is somehow off (silly example, but we're headed to a seven-year-old's birthday party tomorrow and I'm terrified of getting her the wrong present - I can both see that there is NO DANGER in this situation and I still feel this wacky sense of alarm). I love the way you brought this all together with scripture.

Keep walking down this road. There may not be answers, but there will be healing, and your willingness to share it as it happens is bringing healing to others, too.

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I love that colorful raised-bed garden and I absolutely love waking up to a new edition of Writing While Washing!

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Great job weaving the strands together.

I want to affirm your inclination to pay attention to the fact that you are writing essays in your head while you shower. Not all moms are doing that. It's a telling story about the shape of your heart. And continue to ignore the voice that says "this isn't important, why do you have to write." I think it can be challenging to be a full time mom with creative desires and dreams. I often didn't fit into the expectations of other moms in the stay-at-home, homeschooling world. I remember a cold response when I said I couldn't go on the homeschool mom's retreat because I needed to write. It takes courage to continue to listen to the unique design of your heart, when others don't get it.

I also want to encourage you in all that you are learning about anxiety, about the flight or fight system, about learning to let your body and brain know that you are safe-all of this at the age and stage of life you are in now. I, too, had writing and art and Jesus when my kids were younger and I'm so thankful. But my kids were older and I was 40 and just beginning a battle with chronic pain when I found the path toward healing from previous hurt and trauma. I didn't even recognize my layers of anxiety until the anxiety was out of control and showing up all over my body. So glad that you are learning these things earlier in your life and so glad that God continues to weave his truth into all that you are learning.

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