Jun 28Liked by Annelise Roberts

I absolutely love the Sound of Music, so much so that I wrote a whole post about how much I love it 😅

I have found the same pattern with creativity and motivation in both my pregnancies. First trimester I’m exhausted and nauseous and I just keep my head above water, second trimester I get a little bit of energy back and feel more “like myself”, third trimester I find my focus really shifts inward, I get a strong desire to retreat from the world and it’s busyness. I find I have energy for things like meal prepping but very little for other projects. I find I’m a lot more creative postpartum and if anything try and take on too much too soon.

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Yes, it’s reassuring that I know it will come back postpartum. But I also know I’ll have very little time, so it’s this frustrating mismatch, but I’m trying to respect that growing a human is kind of a big deal.

I love Sound of Music too :) They got a little bored about 2/3 through but I was impressed by how long they lasted!

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Jun 28Liked by Annelise Roberts

Yeah, i totally hear you about the mismatch between energy and time. It’s one of those things I’m just trying to reconcile myself to…I’m trying to expand my horizon for when stuff is gonna be accomplished by. What’s that saying about how we all over estimate what we can do in a day but underestimate what we can do in a year? I feel like that except it’s more like five years not a year.

My mum introduced my toddler to the Sound of Music soundtrack, and she loves it, she would listen to Do Re Mi on repeat if we let her. I’ve let her watch bits of the movie, she’s too young to watch it in its entirety but she adores the Lonely Goatherd scene and ofc Do Re Mi 😅

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Jun 28Liked by Annelise Roberts

This 100%

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Jun 28Liked by Annelise Roberts

It must be a boy thing to be so hungry all the time. My girls aren't as active and don't ask for food much at all. But I have a baby son now so we'll see the difference!

I was blown away by how creative I've been postpartum but during pregnancy I was just way too tired and my brain was MUSH. So interesting that this happens! I like what Kaitlin said - that maybe it's God's way of telling us to slow down.

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I only know about boys appetites so far, but I wonder if part of it is genetic too. I was a big eater as a kid, and my kids almost ate my SIL out of house and home when they visited so they must eat more than their cousins 😅

I’m glad I have the postpartum creativity to look forward too, but there’s not much *time* with a newborn. It’s an odd predicament.

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I have two boys and one could eat all day and the other is a struggle to get him to eat anything. He's just always so absorbed in his play that he doesn't want to stop, even for a meal. Children are all different!

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The Sound of Music soundtrack was some of the first music we played for my daughter. To this day she still gets sooo so smiley when she hears “raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens.” So sweet to know that other kids love it too!!

I’m in my first trimester with my second baby and also find that my creative motivation is lower. Hormones always make me feel more introspective but I have very little drive to act on whatever I’m thinking about. Lots of ideas but no will to act on them. Sometimes that even goes on to regular creative tasks like meal planning. Usually my creative energy bounces somewhat back in the second trimester/early third. I’m trying the Brewer diet out this time so hopefully all that extra protein helps!

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The protein definitely helps with energy and overall feeling good! I’m a huge proponent of 80-100 grams and lots of electrolytes/salt. However, I cannot say it helps my creative brain much 😂 I still feel sharp enough — nor like I have “pregnancy brain”, just not motivated 🤷‍♀️

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We did watch The Sound of Music with our boys. I think it took three nights of watching a little at a time but they enjoyed it! I can’t remember the ages of your kids though. Our youngest was probably 6 when we did it.

Our oldest has a rare disease and eats a limited protein diet with a medical formula protein supplement and he is hungry. All. The. Time. Another of our boys is allergic to dairy and eggsI know you all have food complications (not sure what) and it makes all the work around 10x more consuming and sometimes I forget that.

I definitely felt muted during the pregnancy. It was the word I started using by my third and fourth pregnancies. I always felt a little bit like a stranger, as if I had run off somewhere else.

Thanks for sharing!

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The dairy and egg thing is so incredibly difficult. My egg sensitive kiddo seems to be outgrowing it, but I still have to be careful with dairy. We’ve recently gotten access to fresh eggs and goats milk and if he keeps doing well with them it will be a big help. But, I still can’t eat eggs, or nuts or grains. So even when I can make something for all the kids I have to feed myself something else afterwards. It does feel very defeating at times to constantly be juggling the different food needs. I think feeding a family is hard no matter what, but the food allergy thing takes it to the next level.

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Ugh on the work with the food allergies! Lord, have mercy.

Muted: great descriptor. Worked upon by something external (God and, in turn, Baby) so self is…quieted.

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my wife ( seven kids) always called it " Prego brain"

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Jun 30Liked by Annelise Roberts

Goodness, so much good stuff here! For what it's worth, I 1000% felt that my creativity was "muted" during pregnancy. It was kind of discouraging but I kept reminding myself I was doing the coolest creative work possible, aka growing a human! And I swear the *minute* he was born (well, maybe the following week) I had all these creative ideas. No time to record them of course, but at least some creativity was flowing! ;) I'm also completely with you on the Walmart Plus. My vibe right now: "but for now grocery delivery is helping my brain not to explode." Yep! <3

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The creativity/energy/time mismatch is such a weird thing. But it is encouraging to know it’s not just me, and I am trying to respect all the work that is going on, even if I just feel sleepy and a little flatter than normal.

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Jun 30Liked by Annelise Roberts

I think if your boys can all eat eggs, there are dairy-free egg casserole make ahead options that are easy enough for *them* to make… and they could put some sautéed meat and veg aside for you before they dump in the eggs so you’d have veg+protein in the morning. Just an idea!

And 100% to less creativity during pregnancy. It’s a real thing and one of those hidden sacrifices that doesn’t make headlines.

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The egg casserole is an idea I should revisit! There’s some good frittata recipes and other ones that wouldn’t be too hard to throw together, especially if I get some hash browns etc…

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So I have to say a resounding yes to pregnancy sucking all of the creative energy right out of my brain and into my belly. Every time. I used to despair about it, but I have learned--to my great relief--that it comes back around. It is a distinct cycle of my life. I basically watch my creative thought life sort of pack up its bags a few weeks into the pregnancy, and I say goodbye until about 3 months post-partum. To me it feels like my thoughts just turn to molasses. And eventually all of my creativity goes into rearranging the house, reordering our life, etc. to get ready for the baby. But it comes back. And I'm always so glad to say hello to that part of me again.

Also wanted to say that I totally relate to the constant need for food and shifting to getting more help in the kitchen. Here's something we have done that took some of that pressure off of me for a season and also gave everyone some cooking skills... We had all of the older kids pick one day of the week and I helped them choose a meal to make that day. Every Monday for the whole month, my 11-year old would make burgers. On Tuesdays, my 9 year old would make muffins for breakfast, etc. All of the older kids stuck to their one meal on that day of the week, and it gave me 5 meals off. I had to help more the first couple of weeks, but eventually they could do it all by themselves, and by the end of the month, I could actually not be present in the kitchen while 5 of the meals were made each week. That was mind-blowing. I got the idea from a friend who actually gave the whole kitchen duties (3 meals, cooking, cleaning) to one child a day. I don't see that happening in my lifetime, haha. But even having one meal a day where I don't have to make it all happen is a huge relief.

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Those are some great ideas! Maybe I will think through what I could assign to at least my older two. I’ve had the oldest working on breakfast food that can be made the night before, because I’m not in a rush, but making more food is the last thing I feel like doing.

And I am trying to get a binder started with some of our simple family recipes — stir fry, spaghetti, burritos. But I’m glad to know I’m not alone in the constant figuring as needs change :)

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Jun 29Liked by Annelise Roberts

Love this! Sound of Music - YES! The Lonely Goatherd all by itself is gold for kids!

1. I have a friend with seven kids who does the grocery delivery thing. Starting to think this is an extra awesome lifesaving gift.

2. Just read a book about mother manager stuff. Absolutely right on the difficulty/impossibility of passing off responsibility when recipes aren’t written down. It seems like a ton of work, but do it now. Finally on my list to make a family cookbook that everyone uses (hm, the same friend above turned me on to that. She’s smart).

3. Totally getting this. The couch here has been driving me nuts. And the hubs will love it (he convinced me, er, just went and bought a carpet cleaner and it has been totally worth it. So he will be on board with this).

4. Yes. I’ve been wondering how to teach my older children this—that life goals should not just be about buying junk food and LEGOs. They’re not quite that shallow, but my mom brain freaks out at how…childish they can be when it comes to valuing what he calls Property here. Cherishing creation and the created order while also looking at what’s to come; Property encapsulates what rightly belongs to us, physically and spiritually. That is to say, what isn’t per se ours but what we have been given that’s meant to be eternal. Thanks for the share.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Author

It feels wasteful, or bougie or something. But, if it means I can use my limited energy to go to the library or do something fun with the kids, or just be a little less cranky, maybe it’s worth it.

And yes, my goodness, our sofa had 10 years of milk stains from nursing and was legitimately grossing me out. We have LVP floors which is great for cleaning (but shows every bit of dog hair haha). You just can’t win it all.

What was the name of the mother/manager book? Worth reading?

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Jun 29Liked by Annelise Roberts

It might be wasteful AND bougie. But time is money, and a bird in the pantry is worth two (or more) in the cart with kids crying and a million miles of store and parking lot to walk, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and other clichés. 🙂

And the book: The Manager Mom Epidemic: How Moms Got Stuck Doing Everything for their Families and What They Can Do about it by Thomas W. Phelan. I stumbled across it while looking up a parenting book by the same guy, and the title had me hooked, and the library had it! It hurts, but in a good way. Could’ve been written more tightly and with more proscriptions, but I found the basic premise accurate and very helpful to me. Wish I would’ve read it before kids, but here we are.


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Just here for the solidarity! Creativity and words are hard in pregnancy. My brain doesn't feel quite like itself, although I could think a lot better right at the end of third trimester because I'd had an iron infusion and a course of antibiotics for a chest infection, and my kids had recovered from gastro and croup. And I had finally finished up work. But I think I just feel better in comparison because the last few months had been so miserable. I'm intrigued to see if thinking/creativity comes back online postpartum. I've got a scheduled c-section booked for Friday, so we'll see.

Ps. Grocery delivery sounds like a wise choice with all the other things you've gotta work out. And I'm with you, protein is great and filling, but takes so. much. doing!

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Oh my goodness! So close! I hope that everything goes just beautifully for you and you have a smooth delivery and recovery ❤️

Haha, I can relate to the feeling better by comparison — I alway get a cold at 36-37 weeks and then when I feel better it’s like “ok, I actually feel ok!” Even though I’m massively pregnant😂

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Awww thanks!! And yep, 100% better by comparison 😆🙈

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Jun 29Liked by Annelise Roberts

I always enjoy reading these. 😊 I hear you: waiting a few extra days to get groceries is indeed a great budget hack! It honestly gives me a thrill to see how many days I can piece meals together out of random bits from the back of the fridge and pantry. 🤘

I can relate to the pregnancy shift as well! I definitely think there’s something to that.

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We were in pretty dire grocery straits last night so maybe I took it too far 😂 My husband went out to get hamburger supplies because I fell asleep and he didn’t know the dinner plan. We *could* have had dinner, but it would have been… interesting.

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Jun 29Liked by Annelise Roberts

I'm at the start of the third trimester and can relate to the diminished creativity, but since starting iron supplements (my iron levels were very low) I seem to have a bit more mental as well as physical energy again. Up until then I was just brain foggy all the time. That said I'm still not back to 100% capacity.

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Iron does make a huge difference! I just asked my midwife to run mine, because I can take all the extra leeway I can get. But it still doesn’t erase the problem.

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Jun 28Liked by Annelise Roberts

Oh my goodness yes to the diminished creativity during pregnancy! Which is not great given I’m currently trying to write my dissertation. I thought something was wrong with me. It happened with my first pregnancy too, but then I was on leave recovering from burnout and I blamed it on that. I apparently read less, too, which is unfortunate for my blog lol.

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Ah. Yes to the less reading. You’d think I’d read more because I have more time, but I just don’t have the same desire to do or take in much of anything. I get immersed in very niche topics or things like organizing my bathrooms and meal plans 😂

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Those cots are probably going to be in our family's future at some point. The older boys (4 and 3) share a full size mattress that stays on the floor, but the 20 month old will need a spot somewhere once he learns how to climb out. haha

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They’ve been a great solution for right now (and also easier for them to make their beds because they just use blankets).

Obviously they’ll grow out of them in the next few years, but hopefully by then we’ll have figured out housing with a bit more room. For now, it’s minimalist Tetris :)

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Jun 28Liked by Annelise Roberts

I love my Little Green Machine too 😅 best mom toy. Haha I use Biokleen (you can get it on Amazon) in mine. Smells super clean and is natural.

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Good to know! I just have the tiny bottle of cleaner that came with it so I’ll look for that when I need a refill. The things I get excited about as an adult 😂But it really makes me happy to be able to clean things nicely.

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Jun 28Liked by Annelise Roberts

The asking for snacks all the time 😫🤪 I can absolutely relate! Thanks for the tip about adding more protein, I will see what I can do about that.

Re: the Britney Spears book… I felt that the book was in dire need of an editor. There were passages in the book that really weren’t relevant to her story and felt that they were just added to fill a page count or something. That being said, the parts about her conservatorship were just truly sad. Hopefully she is in a better place now in her life ✨

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Yes, I definitely agree it could have used an editor! Some parts were just so random. But I wish her the best — any time I read a celebrity story it makes me thankful for my small life.

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