Why subscribe?

If you love to think about the ways life intersects, this newsletter might be for you. Having spent a decade plus trying to keep the categories of my life neatly contained, in the same way a child might try to ensure their peas don’t touch their potatoes, I’m now learning to live an embodied life of faith.

Honestly? I write about what I’m thinking about. But what I’m thinking about usually falls into one of these categories:

mothering, trauma recovery, making peace with my body, nervous system regulation, chronic illness, and always the steady undercurrent of God holding those things together.

If you’d like to check out a few of my most popular posts you can do that here:

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Subscribe to Writing While Washing

musings from the mundane


I don’t have the answers, but I’d like to keep you company. I craft my words while scrubbing things. Mother of small ones. Home educator. Trying to "learn to love what must be done".